Family medicine group (GMF)
Our family medicine group (GMF) is made up of several doctors, first-line specialized nurse practitioners, nurse clinicians, pharmacists, social workers, nutritionists. We take care of and monitor the state of health of our patients registered at the Rivière-des-Prairies medical clinic.
When a patient is registered in the name of a doctor or a nurse practitioner specialized in our clinic, he is part of the GMF. He can have access to his family doctor or his IPS-PL:
1. for medical appointments
2. for minor emergency appointments (adapted access)
if their family doctor or their IPS-PL is not available, the patient can make an appointment in the minor emergency room
For any cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged $30
For any cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged $30?
YES, I agree to pay!
NO, I don't want to pay!
Minor emergency clinic
All patients who wish to consult at our minor emergency clinic will have to go to http://cliniquerdp.com to reserve a place. The service of the emergency clinic only responds to our patients from clinic medical RDP requiring an assessment within 24 to 48 hours. You can now try to make appointments at variable times during the day, new appointment periods appear during the day depending on availability.
If you believe that your condition is very urgent and that it may require specialized care, examples: loss of consciousness, chest pain, severe breathing difficulties, etc., you should go to the nearest hospital emergency department or contact 911.
For any cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged $30
For any cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged $30?
YES, I agree to pay!
NO, I don't want to pay!